Middle School Science Fair

Why science fair?

Having a science fair allows for students to go in depth in areas that interest them within science. They can follow the steps of the scientific method and see firsthand the process from start to finish. A science fair allows students to practice STEM concepts and integrate critical soft skills which can be useful in their lives. 

The process of the science fair starts off with a question. What interests you? Students had to answer that question and find a problem related to it. Once a problem was stated, a hypothesis was formed, and at that point a student was able to do research and create an investigation plan. This was a year-long process for middle school students. The investigation plan took an entire quarter to figure out including all the materials, time, and variables that would be measured. 

Many students discovered that their hypothesis was wrong and that is okay! Science is all trial and error and making new discoveries. They took their successes and failures and compiled that data onto a board to display for the whole school. SMCA wanted to make this a community effort. Judges came from the Mustang community as well as the Southern Maryland Tri-County Area. These experts in the realm of science have various backgrounds in mechanical engineering, organic chemistry, environmental science to name a few. Our elementary students came to view and support the middle school and were able to witness the different topics to peak their own interests. 

We are so proud of the hard work of our middle school Mustangs!

-Alicia Campbell, Secondary Teacher

First Place: Nevaeh Thornton (6th), Samantha Lyon (7th), and Acacia George (8th)
Second Place: Erin Rice (6th), Luke Gheen (7th), and Brooke Monk (8th)